Friday, February 8, 2013

9 months and more

It's been awhile since I've gotten to the computer. We have had a rough week here at our house. Poor Jack had a horrible fever all weekend long, followed by congestion, runny nose and cough. Sick babies are the WORST! Thanks to my sister for being Doc - and answering my 2,567 questions about his symptoms and what I should do for him.

Today he finally ate like he normally does, took a 3 hour nap.. and went back to tearing up the house, crawling, and standing on everything! I didn't realize how much I missed his energy until he was completely lethargic for days and only wanted to be held and watch Baby Einstein.

9 Month old picture in which he would absolutely NOT sit still. Stats were 17 lbs 9 oz, 29.25 inches! Long and lean, string bean.

 Tonight he actually took a few steps with this toy!! He will be walking on his own in no time, I just know it. My life will be OFFICIALLY over then.
How many things can I pull myself up to stand on... hmmm EVERYTHING?!

 Jack loves to watch and observe everything around him. I love having my little buddy to run errands with. He's pretty cute to look at, too!
 Daddy says he needs a haircut... psh, whatever! Check out that mohawk. (In all honesty, I probably should cut it. He never ever sits still though and I am terrified I will end up chopping off one of his ears if I try to do it myself.)

 He still LOVES his books. Will crawl into his room and sit and turn the pages and giggle at the pages. It's great!

That's pretty much my life right there. Nothing too exciting other than baby talk! We have about two months to go until we are reunited! I am so looking forward to it! And, looking forward to warmer weather. Hopefully those will be some fun posts as there is sooo much to do here in the summer, and we intend on doing it! I hope Jack is ready for adventures because Kyle says they have, "lots of bugs to poke with sticks," together. :)

1 comment:

  1. happy nine months to jack!! ahh, he is growing - so handsome - and i LOVE all of his's really getting light. he is adorable, kelsey! i'm so sorry he's been so sick. i hope he feels good as new very soon!
    i can't believe he's already standing and getting ready to walk!
    sending love and wishing you both a happy, relaxing weekend. <3<3<3
