Saturday, January 5, 2013


I've been trying to update on the computer for a change.... But, it won't let me upload any pictures!!! So, you're all stuck with my shorthand text(text). Sorry!

Jack is all sorts of naughty these days. Crawling, climbing, yelling... And he even bit me!

I sure love watching him learn and grow. The look on his face as he gets a piece of food in his mouth, or pulls himself up onto something is priceless!

He is such a funny, energetic boy!


  1. Hahahahaha these are too funy and cute!! I LOVE the one of him "eating" the tv console? door! And the trashcan photo - awesome! :)
    I'm thinking about you guys! Xoxox

  2. He looks JUST like his daddy! Looks like you guys are having fun! The Fischers
