Monday, June 6, 2011

A trip to Fort Worth

I'm sure everyone who knows us... knows that we hate Abilene. There is NOTHING to do here... no hiking trails, no campsites, no real fishing - nothing. We did buy a season pass to our local zoo, which isn't too shabby but it only takes about an hour to walk the whole park.

We decided to get out of town for a day and do some exploring! We LOVE Zoo's. (even though the whole time we talk about how sad it is that the animals are caged up). Fort Worth is only about 2.5 hours from us, so off we went!

Please tell me this guy isn't awesome?! I could have sat and watched him ALL day. Not only was he massive, but he really was beautiful. He was so funny and really didn't pay any attention to all the attention he was getting.

Okay, so this was hilarious. He would pee downstream and then lean forward and drink. Smart guy huh? Kyle too this picture by the way...

This guy had a ball he would play with in his water. His little furry ears made me laugh.

Sleepy bears - my parents would have wanted to shoot them.

 Anyone else LOVE Swamp People?!?!? Kyle does the best impression of Troy! He even does his songs spot-on. So when we saw this gator we had to take a picture. We feel cheated out of never seeing any in the South... "choot 'em Lizbeth!!! choot 'em!"

 For my brother Kyle - sent him this pic to remind him of Australia :)
This guy personally freaked me out - but Kyle loved him and took about a thousand pictures.

After the zoo - stumbled upon the COOLEST neighborhood I've ever seen in my life. It was from the movies, I swear. We drove around for about an hour just admiring all the houses. It seemed a little too freaky to take pictures of all of them  - but I wanted to. We always love to look at houses and dream of what we might be able to have someday. We definitely want some land so we can do some gardening and I want a horse!

taken from the car... but how cute is that?! All the houses were different and there were so many trees on the block. I wanted to move in right there... or even sleep on the street and call that my new home.

Okay, so I admit this was a bit of a boring post - but I did it more for my own memory of the day. Hoping we get in some more road trips and pictures before we have to leave Texas (oh darn!!!) I've already been mapping out all the amazing things we will get to do in South Dakota.. Like THIS people come on - you'll all be jealous you're not freezing your booties off in the winter..

I see home hiking and fishing in our near future - can't wait!!!!!