Monday, August 27, 2012


Disclaimer: These are just the pictures I took on my phone... I've been too eager to post about this to upload the photos from my camera, but I will add them soon!

First of all- I have to make a public apology to my sweet husband. There have been so many days I was so mad at him for being outside for hours and hours... because I'm a brat like that. However, he is amazing and I could not be more proud of him for all his hard work. He did our entire fence by himself, the sprinkler system, dealing with weeds from hell (seriously those things were OUT OF CONTROL) and now laying grass. (Although... I did help with that, and I got to lay the first piece down!!) Kyle - YOU ROCK! I can't wait to see how the pathway comes out next... hehe. I love you honey!

I'll start with the pictures on my phone of the fence as he was building it. We did redwood posts with cedar pickets. He painstakingly stained them all before putting them up. We chose a "shadow box" style to help with the wind. We don't want this bad boy blowing over!!

 Evil weeds!! We had them sprayed by a professional, and they still wouldn't all die.
 Kyle and our awesome neighbor Ethan, went in on a harley rake together. For those who don't know.. I liken it unto a hula-ho (remember those?!) but on STEROIDS. It tills up the dirt and gets those suckers out. But, we still had to hand dig way too many. BOO
 Weeds be gone!


Staking out for the pathway.

 Sod arriving! I think I squealed and ran towards the truck. The driver probably thought I was insane.
 Watering it down! It had dried out a little from the ride over.
 And that's where the progression pictures stopped because I was helping and no one was too concerned about taking pictures. But way in that back corner by the house is where I laid the first piece down. Boo-ya!
 Had to throw in some pictures of Mr. Blue Eyes. This picture looks like he is trying to eat me.
 I look so cute, but I'm SOOO naughty!
 This is our crazy neighbor Brady, who insisted he help while wearing his rugby attire. I told him he is going to be the neighbor we joke about to our grand kids someday. He is so nuts! But we appreciate his help!!!
 And this is a messy last picture. It looks soo good! And the sprinkler system works like a champ. We get our brick delivered in two weeks. So, in the meanwhile we have to dig down the pathway... and the rock and sand will be here this weekend!

Our house is finally looking like a home!!! Way to go Kyle. You sexy handy-man, you.

1 comment:

  1. what a hard working man. and your neighbor looks like such a fun the photo of him! :)
    kyle is seriously awesome...all of his work is so incredible. see, now what i need to do is show steve all these photos...i will pull the "honey, look what this guy did...isn't it incredible deal" and then it if it goes right, he gets off of his cheesy poof eatin' ass and does some dishes. hahaha ;)
    love you!!!
